Hi. I'm Anjuli, welcome to my photography blog! Photorange is really just a combination of two things that i love... photography and the color orange. I am the mother of 2 boys (one still growing in my belly) and 1 amazing husband. I've grown in love with the art of photography and still pinch myself with the reality that I get to do something i love for a living. I hope you enjoy what you see and be sure to check out my website for availability, pricing, and information... click HERE.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cavin Family!

Check out this awesome family! I had so much fun playing at the beach with these two beautiful kids! They weren't afraid to get up in the camera and smile, dance, and dig holes in the sand. Most of the day was overcast, but for a few brief moments the sun came out and we captured some fabulous shots! I've known Rob and Laurie for a few years now and they are the most genuine, friendly, loving couple I've ever known. They are on a plane this very moment headed for England, where they are living for a few years. I was so happy to be apart of their short time here in the states. Come back soon Cavin family!!!


Charissa said...

I super love the first shot. both in composition and in quality. BEAUTIFUL work, anj.

Sara de Neve said...

Awesome Girl! The first shot where Kaia is flying way up in the sky cracked me up. If you stare at it long enough it is crazy!! You are amazing.

j and w maertz said...

rad pics!! all three of us really like 'em. you're good.