Hi. I'm Anjuli, welcome to my photography blog! Photorange is really just a combination of two things that i love... photography and the color orange. I am the mother of 2 boys (one still growing in my belly) and 1 amazing husband. I've grown in love with the art of photography and still pinch myself with the reality that I get to do something i love for a living. I hope you enjoy what you see and be sure to check out my website for availability, pricing, and information... click HERE.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A baby is coming!

Meet Rena and Jesse Frey. I was lucky enough to live next to these two fantastic people for over 2 years! Rena got pregnant and then they decided to move away :( Anyway- I was so happy to take part in capturing this moment in their lives. We spent over two hours at this little church in San Marcos. With the help of the ever so brilliant, David Verdugo, we got some really awesome night photos. Congrats Frey family!

1 comment:

the nibbling marmot said...

fun colors!
I wish we would have snagged you for photos when we were in town...