Hi. I'm Anjuli, welcome to my photography blog! Photorange is really just a combination of two things that i love... photography and the color orange. I am the mother of 2 boys (one still growing in my belly) and 1 amazing husband. I've grown in love with the art of photography and still pinch myself with the reality that I get to do something i love for a living. I hope you enjoy what you see and be sure to check out my website for availability, pricing, and information... click HERE.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Jenn, Craig, Noah, and baby ?

Jenn (great college friend), Craig, and Noah Vanderstoep. Oh yeah, and baby! Jenn and Craig have made the decision to wait to find out the sex of their baby. As for me, I could never do that! I don't have that sort of patience :) They are the most amazing family. Sadly, you will never meet them because they live up in Sacramento area. But if you are ever up there, I promise you that Jenn will make you the most fabulous dinner and Craig- well you can talk to him about anything! They are just wonderful people!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know Craig from Moody!