Hi. I'm Anjuli, welcome to my photography blog! Photorange is really just a combination of two things that i love... photography and the color orange. I am the mother of 2 boys (one still growing in my belly) and 1 amazing husband. I've grown in love with the art of photography and still pinch myself with the reality that I get to do something i love for a living. I hope you enjoy what you see and be sure to check out my website for availability, pricing, and information... click HERE.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Morales Family...

I have a great, long, and fabulous history with the Morales bunch. I like to take major credit for their marriage and thus- the existence of their beautiful daughter- Ceci. So they owe me a lot :) I can't explain the joy it gave me to shoot this family. Ceci is unbelievable. Her face lights up the camera and she is a natural model. Her personality beams through her big dark eyes. They just loved playing, which made my job really easy.

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