Hi. I'm Anjuli, welcome to my photography blog! Photorange is really just a combination of two things that i love... photography and the color orange. I am the mother of 2 boys (one still growing in my belly) and 1 amazing husband. I've grown in love with the art of photography and still pinch myself with the reality that I get to do something i love for a living. I hope you enjoy what you see and be sure to check out my website for availability, pricing, and information... click HERE.

Monday, September 29, 2008

1.5 weeks till baby Shay arrives!

can you believe it- 1.5 weeks! This is such an exciting time in their lives and i felt so honored to capture it for them. Irene has been my friend since... well- forever. Doesn't she look amazing! she would hate me for saying this, but she only gained 12 lbs during her pregnancy! How is that possible! Well- Irene- you look beautiful and i am so happy for the new addition!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anjuli!!!You are such an awesome photographer! Gosh, all the pictures you've taken are amazing!!!! Can't wait for the next pictures we take with our family of 4!!!
Love you sweetie!
Praying for your bun that's growing in the oven. :o)